You may be surprised how many people visit the nature reserve, making it a busy place throughout the year. Here are just some examples of why people come and in future articles we will ask them to tell you more about themselves.
Young people love it here, with lots of space to enjoy the outdoors and learn about nature. Many people walk their dogs, getting exercise and stopping for a chat. There is a monthly Carers Walk and lots of volunteering activities including regular mid-week as well as a monthly weekend group that helps with seasonal tasks. There are groups who meet up for their hobbies, like walking groups, orienteering and even paranormal investigations, and people who enjoy quiet time doing photography, birdwatching or just being outdoors.
Others do surveys or fieldwork because of the wide range of plants and animals that we have, from bats to dragonflies and orchids. Geologists, school groups, colleges and universities, including University of the Third Age, come here to see the very special geology and signboards are available so everyone can find out more about it.
We benefit from the support of many people that help the Wardens to keep the nature reserve looking good. The graziers make sure the ponies stay fit and healthy, the Clean & Green group and Wednesday litter pickers keep the reserve clean and tidy, corporate volunteers come here with their companies and our neighbours The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) get involved in the wider nature reserve too.
There is something for everyone to do here, with organised walks throughout the year, the forest school and woodland skills activities, there are paths accessible for buggies and mobility scooters and educational activities for all abilities. You can look for Saltwells Rocks or Geocaches or simply follow the sculpture trail.
If we haven’t mentioned why you come to spend time at the nature reserve please contact us on the Friends of Saltwells Facebook page so you can tell us your story.